Moldcell: Spread the Word, Donate And Help!

  • 16.06.2016

A new fundraising campaign was launched by “Save life” NGO and Moldcell.
The purpose of the campaign is to collect money for the treatment of severely ill children, beneficiaries of this NGO.

The campaign is focused on:

• The personal testimonies of 4 children. We call them heroes, because they won the battle with severe diseases or are still struggling.

3 video ads are already public:


• 3 simple and fast donation methods:

- Online transfer mainly for diaspora (Moldovans who live abroad). People can donate from any corner of the world. All that is needed is a 3D secured VISA or Master Card 

- Donate 30 MDL via SMS to the short number 0445 (Moldcell clients, individuals)

- Donate automatically 50 or 100 MDL per month by sending ”50” or ”100” to the short number 4040. Click here for detailed information regarding this service (Moldcell clients, individuals).

We need your help to spread the word. Please like, share ( and talk about this campaign.

And of course, any kind of donations are welcome.

Contacts for details:

Irina Strajescu, Communication and Events director,, +37379400100
Constanța Popa, Comms expert,, +373 79400310


Asociația Obștească ”Salvați viața” și compania Moldcell au lansat o nouă campanie de colectare fonduri pentru copiii grav bolnavi, ce au nevoie de tratament costisitor peste hotare.

Campania este axată pe:

• Mărturiile personale ale 4 copii. Îi numim eroi, fiindcă au învins sau luptă cu boli grave.

3 dintre spoturile video sunt deja disponibile pentru a fi vizionate :


• 3 metode de donație simple și rapide:

- Transferuri bancare online din Moldova sau orice colt al lumii. E nevoie doar de un card VISA sau Master Card cu funcția 3D secure
- Donați 30 de lei prin SMS la numărul scurt 0445 (clienți Moldcell, persoane fizice) ;
- Activați serviciul de donații programate pentru a dona 50 sau 100 de lei lunar, expediind ”50” sau ”100” la numărul scurt 4040. Serviciul e disponibil pentru clienți Moldcell, persoane fizice. Detalii

Avem nevoie de ajutor pentru ca mesajul nostru să ajungă cât mai departe. Vă rugăm să apreciați, să distribuiți ( și să ne ajutați, vorbind cât mai mult despre această campanie.

Orice donații sunt binevenite.

Date de contact:

Irina Strajescu, Director Comunicare și Evenimente,, +37379400100
Constanța Popa, Expert Comunicare Corporativă,, +373 79400310


Новая кампания по сбору средств для лечения тяжелобольных детей- подопечных ОО «Спаси Жизнь» была запущена совместными усилиями OO «Спаси жизнь» и Moldcell.
Четыре истории героических детей. Мы называем их героями, потому что они победили или все еще борются с тяжелыми заболеваниями.


Есть три простых способа помочь:

- c помощью онлайн перевода, который можно сделать из любого уголка мира. Все, что для этого необходимо – это VISA или Master Card 3D secured (
- посредством СМС (30 леев) на короткий номер 0445 (для клиентов Moldcell, физических лиц)
- посредством услуги запрограммированной ежемесячной помощи, подписаться на которую можно, послав текст с цифрой «50» или «100» на короткий номер 4040. Здесь можно узнать больше информации об этой услуге (доступна для клиентов Moldcell, физических лиц). Подробности

Помочь можно, просто поделившись этой информацией с Вашим друзьями и знакомыми. Чем больше людей узнают об этой инициативе – тем больше становится возможность выздороветь для деток (линк на фб страницу).
И, конечно же, финансовая помощь любого размера – приветствуется.


Ирина Стражеску, директор по коммуникациям,, +37379400100
Констанца Попа, эксперт по коммуникациям,, +373 79400310



Moldcell is one of the leading telecom operators in the Republic of Moldova, offering innovative digital solutions and a wide range of mobile services, including voice, mobile internet, television, fixed internet via fiber optics, and mobile financial services. These services are accessible through its extensive network of stores nationwide and the Moldcell eShop online store. As a direct foreign investment in Moldova since 2000, and part of the Global CG Corp Group since March 25, 2020, Moldcell is dedicated to revolutionizing the digital financial services industry in Moldova. Committed to promoting the digitization of the economy and enhancing financial inclusion, Moldcell strives to provide its customers with the best possible experience while supporting the growth of the telecommunications sector in Moldova. Moldcell is one of the leading telecom operators in the Republic of Moldova providing attractive tariffs, biggest variety of handset offers and affordability of the cutting edge technologies all over the country. With a strong connectivity base, we are the hub in the digital ecosystem, empowering people, companies and societies to stay in touch with everything that matters 24/7/365 on their terms.

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