BDR Associates: BDR Associates provides assistance in strategic communication and PR to the Ministry of Education and UNICEF Moldova to promote inclusive education in the Republic of Moldova

  • 17.05.2013

Chisinau, 8 April 2013. BDR Associates Communication Group, a PR and Strategic Communication Agency, was announced as the winner of the tender organized by UNICEF Moldova for the development and implementation of the Communication Strategy and Plan for Promotion of Inclusive Education in Moldova.

The campaign aims at promoting the benefits of inclusive education and raising public awareness on children\'s right to equal access to education, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, with the support of UNICEF Moldova.

As part of the project, BDR Associates will provide assistance in drafting the communication plan and conducting the information and public awareness campaign on the concept of inclusive education. The campaign will be held from April 2013 to May 2014 and will include a TV and radio media campaign, special events, partnerships with civil society and business circles to boost the impact of the campaign nationwide.

„We are interested in quality, strategic thinking and concrete results for all projects we develop. This is also the criteria we follow when we select our partners for collaboration. Promoting inclusive education is a new subject, sensitive on the one hand, and brave on the other. This is why, in order to raise public awareness in respect on the importance and benefits of inclusive education we need a devoted team and attentive to the particularities of local environment.” (Sergiu Tomsa, Communication for Development Officer at UNICEF Moldova, UNIEF Moldova).

The visual identity elements of the campaign "Come with me, school is your place too!", the logo, the motto, the concept of video and audio spots, as well as promotional materials, including posters for all the schools in the country are prepared by BDR Associates.

"In addition to our commitments to our customers from the private sector to protect and build their reputation and business, we get involved in projects that help build a healthy society. A healthy and open society is one of the first steps towards a better future in Moldova. We are honoured that we can work together with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education under this project, aimed at building a concept that promotes openness and education." (Svetlana Japalau, BDR Associates)

BDR Associates has been active for more than 10 years in the Republic of Moldova in strategic communication and public relations. In addition to specialized consultancy provided to companies in Moldova, the agency has valuable expertise in designing and conducting information, education and communication campaigns aimed at changing social behaviour and contributing to social progress by promoting social and economic reforms primarily at local level, as well as at European level that make a difference for Moldova.

Over the last year, the agency\'s portfolio covered international institutions, governmental and non-governmental agencies, Delegation of the European Union to Moldova, the E-Government Center, Millennium Challenge Corporation Moldova, World Bank, EBRD BAS Moldova, World Health Organization, AmCham, and private sector companies.

BDR Associates-Strategic Communication
BDR Associates-Strategic Communication

BDR Associates Communication is a leading public relations and strategic communication agency in Romania incorporated in 1995. BDR Associates is the first Romanian agency in the field of strategic communication and public relations extending its activity in the Republic of Moldova starting in 2002. In 2003, BDR Associates Communication Group officially became a Hill & Knowlton associate. BDR Associate has a strong team of local and international expertise. The agency’s portfolio includes major clients among multinational and Romanian companies, international bodies and governmental institutions, both in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The agency’s company profile exhibits a wide range of PR and strategic communication services such as the creation of communication strategies and implementation of research-based communication campaigns aiming at increasing public awareness, informing and educating multiple target audiences, changing attitudes and including behavior development of corporate communication strategies, media relations, and crisis situations management.

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