Medpark: Together we are stronger! Join us in the fight!

  • 24.01.2013

Every year, in February it is celebrated World Cancer Day. The main purpose of the event is to increase the awareness of people that cancer is one of the most severe diseases of our time, as well as informing about the prevention, early detection and treatment.

The only way to fight cancer is to prevent it. Therefore, Medpark International Hospital wants to disclose all the necessary information in order to preserve and protect your health. The only way to achieve success in the fight against cancer is the precocious diagnosis. As promising it seems to be the hope to a safe and less painful treatment, this is possible only with an early detection of cancer.

Medpark takes care of your health, and launches the promotion offering 30% discount for cancer diagnosis. The promotion will last in the period February 4th – March 17th.

Special Price:

Digital Mammography of one mammary gland: 161 lei

Digital Mammography of both mammary glands: 238 lei

Transvaginal Ultrasound: 158 lei

Ultrasound of the prostate: 182 lei

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. However, it can be prevented if the tumor is identified in early stages.

Mammography is one of the most informative methods of preventive diagnosis. The procedure requires special training and it means placing the breast between two plastic plates to obtain images of the breast tissue. To women aged 40 to 60 years old, doctors strongly recommends performing mammography once a year, because it\'s the age when they are mostly exposed to the risk of breast cancer. Studies show that mammograms performed annually may reduce the rate of death from breast cancer more than 30%.

Ovarian cancer - was and remains a serious health problem among women, being one of the most common forms of cancer. However, the disease can be prevented if detecting the tumor in early stages.

For early diagnosis of ovarian cancer doctors perform transvaginal ultrasonography (USG) -being a safe and completely painless method of investigation.

Unfortunately, neither women nor men are protected from cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer among men. To the risk of cancer, are exposed all men older than 50 years. The disease does not manifest itself with symptoms or signs of illness and can be identified only under diagnosis.

Ultrasonography of the prostate is the most informative method of diagnosis of male genital diseases. Is performed transrectal - ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum. Due to the small size of the probe (1.5 to 2 cm), discomfort during the procedure is minimized. Doctors recommend that to all men over 50 years to perform prostate ultrasound once a year. Due to implementation of preventive examination practice in Western Europe, 80% of cancers are detected at early and curable stages.

Considering the old truth, that to prevent the disease is much easier than fighting it, is extremely important for everyone to make regular annual examinations. You should not be afraid of cancer diagnosis - is like any other simple examination to a dentist or any other doctor. Early detection of the disease is the key to an effective treatment.

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