BCR Chisinau: BCR Chisinau launches a new service to facilitate quick transfers in foreign currency

  • 10.01.2013

Chisinau. January, 10, 2013. BCR Chisinau, subsidiary of BCR Romania, member of Erste Group, launches, starting with January 10, 2013, a new service FIT 2.0 (Fast Intergroup Transfer 2.0) which enables quick transfers between banks, members of Erste Group at reduced fees. The new service can be used by both legal entities and individuals.

The payments are made during the same day, being quicker and cheaper than traditional transfer systems. The service can be accessed with no limitation on amounts by all client segments. The payments are made within Erste Group and includes banks from the following countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine.

”By launching the new FIT 2.0 service we offer to all our clients new facilities to make and receive quick and international money transfers at reduced costs within Central and Eastern European region. The fact that we are member of Erste Group, a leading bank in Central and Eastern Europe, opens new opportunities for our clients in Moldova to develop their business and regional exchanges” , said Sorin Andrei, CEO at BCR Chisinau.

The following banks from Erste Group joined already FIT 2.0:
- Austria: Erste Bank Oesterreich, Erste Group Bank AG, Kärtner Sparkasse, Salzburger Sparkasse, Sparkasse Hainburg, Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Tiroler Sparkasse, Zweite Wiener Vereinsparkasse;
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sparkasse Bank;
- Czech Republic: Ceská Sporitelna;
- Hungary: Erste Bank Hungary;
- Macedonia: Sparkasse Bank Makedonija;
- Republic of Moldova: Banca Comerciala Romana Chisinau;
- Romania: Banca Comerciala Romana.

Erste Bank Croatia, Erste Bank Montenegro, Erste Bank Serbia, Slovenska Sporitelna and Erste Bank Ukraine will join soon the new service.

To benefit from the new service, both payer and beneficiary should keep current accounts in our of the participating banks. All the transactions are made in euro. The payments can de executed electronically (legal entities) and on paper (all client segments). Electronic transactions should be placed till 15.00, paper transactions should be placed till 12.00. The payment order is executed during the same day and the beneficiary receives funds on his account much quicker.

Banca Comercială Română Chişinău
Banca Comercială Română Chişinău

Banca Comerciala Română Chişinău S.A. is a universal commercial bank, established in the Republic of Moldova on October 22, 1998. The single shareholder of the bank is BCR SA, the leading banking organization in Romania; member of Erste Group, one of the largest financial providers in Central and Eastern Europe.

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