ACED: ACED releases new study on Baltic markets

  • 12.06.2012

The Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (ACED), financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, has published the End Market Study (EMS) for Fresh and Dried Fruits in Baltic Countries. The new report is meant to help Moldovan fruit exporters understand the market structure, consumption preferences, and import requirements of the three ex-Soviet republics, now European Union member countries – Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The report is now available in English and will be soon translated into Romanian and Russian.
This is the latest of the series of end market studies that already cover Romania, Russia, and Moldova, which are now available both in English and Romanian. A similar analysis is being prepared with regard to the German market for fresh and dried fruits.
All the studies are available for download from the project’s official website and for dissemination by email Hard copies can be obtained free of charge at the ACED Office in Chișinău (Kentford Building, 3rd floor). Please call (+373-22) 595265 to check availability and order in advance.

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