Bemol Retail: Autocross season - officially open!

  • 28.05.2012

Yesterday, May 27th 2012, Colonita village hosted a long awaited competition – Autocross 2012 sponsored by BEMOL.
The competition started at 10:00 AM and already at this hour the entire territory was full of curious spectators who came to watch the show. From the information offered by the Auto Federation of the Republic of Moldova, the first edition of the Autocross championship gathered about 4000 -5000 people.
In the first competition within the championship took part 30 professional racers, each demonstrating their skills on the track, within the appropriate category. The categories were the following:
1. Buggy
2. Class 7
3. Class 8
4. Class 12 (four-wheel drive)
5. Class „National 12”

The spectators witnessed a real show: speed, dust, adrenaline, races with only centimeters of distance between vehicles and much more! The competition was on for quite a few hours, and at 17:00 the jury announced the winners.

I – Ceban Viorel
II – Raileanu Ivan
III – Cioinac Iurie

I – Hincu Roman
II – Dontov Eugen
III – Lisii Adrian

I – Penin Egor
II – Buzurin Gherman
III – Hincu Roman

CLASS 12 (four-wheel drive):
I – Vasilache Andrei
II – Simin Vladimir
III – Clasiuc Vadim

I – Cara Vasilii
II – Arabadji Dumitru
III – Boceancov Alexandru

For great courage, the young racer Stinca Alexei received a diploma from the organizers of the event. Another diploma was given to the only female participant within the Autocross competition – Sicorscaia Irina. The racers with the best results each received a BEMOL card with 100 liters of fuel!
Next race within the Autocross championship will take place on June 16th -17th in Glodeni city.



Bemol Retail
Bemol Retail

ICS Bemol Retail SRL is the owner and operator of the Bemol petrol station network in the Republic of Moldova. In December 2007, Bemol opened its first petrol station and has since expanded its network to 48 stations throughout the Republic of Moldova. Being in the top of the largest fuel distribution networks in Republic of Moldova, in order to satisfy its customer’s needs, Bemol offers only high quality fuel products and services, in compliance with European standards. Since the start of its operations, Bemol created hundreds of permanent jobs in the Republic of Moldova.

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