Danube Logistics moved to a new location

  • 31.01.2012

 AmCham Member, Danube Logistics, has moved its office. Now they can be found on 63, Vlaicu Picalab street, SKYTOWER, 10th floor, office F.

Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port
Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port

Giurgiulesti International Free Ports (GIFP) entire 120 ha territory has a status of a free economic zone and consists of an oil product terminal, a grain terminal as well as a general cargo and container terminal including a RoRo ramp (start of operation by September 2011). Due to its location on the Lower Danube with available water depths of up to 7 meters, GIFP is capable of receiving both inland and sea-going vessels. Against this background the GIFP serves its clients as: - the only direct sea/river-borne transshipment and distribution point to and from the Republic of Moldova, - a regional logistics hub on the border of the EU with access to road, European and Russian railway, river, sea, and - an excellent business location, because of its strategic location, tri-modal transport infrastructure, low cost environment and a unique customs and tax regime.

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