East Europe Foundation: The NPC has become an effective and responsible contributor to elaborating Government policies

  • 26.12.2011

East Europe Foundation- Moldova has supported the Secretariat of National Participation Council (NPC) – www.cnp.md  since its establishment. The NPC, established in 2010 by the Government of the Republic of Moldova is comprised of 30 civil society organizations, including EEF-M. Currently, the NPC is chaired by EEF President, Sorin Mereacre, who was elected by NPC members in February 2011. With an enhanced structure, capacities, organizational and communication tools, the NPC has become more than a watchdog over the activity of the Moldovan Government, but also as an effective and responsible contributor to elaborating Government policies.

NPC efforts are concentrated on a range of public policies considered by its members as priorities.  These documents include the National Development Strategy 2008-2011 and the new National Development Strategy 2012-2020, National Action Plan in the field of human rights 2011-2014, Justice Reform, the Strategy for the Development of Civil Society and

the EU-Moldova Association Agreement and Action Plan.NPC Chair regularly attends Government meetings and presents the NPC position towards various draft decisions as necessary. The NPC members provide regularly input and recommendations to legislative initiatives of the governmental agencies. Thus, NPC members have contributed with comments and proposals to the 2011 Government Program, on nearly all policy areas. The majority of proposals were included in the Government Program. Other examples when NPC comments were taken into consideration: recommendations for the Regulation for Government Committee for youth policies; withdraw for further consultations of drafts for modification of Electoral Code and draft of Regulation for establishing Local Councils for Children Rights Protection etc.

In partnership with State Chancellery and UN Women, NPC organized public consultations on local level to discuss the draft of National Strategy of Decentralization. With support of its working groups, NPC is constantly monitoring implementation of Law on Transparency in decision making process (Law no 239-XVI from 2008) and Regulation regarding procedures of assuring transparency in process of decision making.

This project is implemented by Pontis Foundation and East Europe Foundation with the financial support of Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation/SlovakAid, the Swedish Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

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