Orange: International Conference on Microelectronics and Computers

  • 27.09.2011

Between September the 22nd to 24th, 2011 at the Technical University of Moldova it was held the VII-th edition of the International Conference on Computer Science and Microelectronics (ICMCS-2011), organized by the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics in partnership with Orange Moldova.

The aim of the conference was to address current problems as well as issues of future development of information society, e-governance and new technologies in the area of computer sciences, microelectronics and Nano-technologies.

Simultaneously, it took place the final of the international student contest Earth Rover 2011 in the domain of mobile robotic systems. There were 6 student teams which participated in the contest on behalf of the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, and the three teams placed on the first places received awards from the Orange company.

Liudmila Climoc, Director General of Orange Moldova: "We have a sustainable partnership with the Technical University of Moldova for 6 years. During this period we have supported the University and the students in all their initiatives because we believe that technology are at the basis of the development and represent the future, while Orange pays special attention to innovation and technology transfer."

Ion Bostan, Rector, Technical University of Moldova: "We are pleased to be in partnership with Orange Moldova. Only in the last two years Orange has allocated over one million MDL for the development of projects of our university. For these reasons, we are pleased to offer Mrs. Liudmila Climoc, Director General of Orange Moldova, the title of Honorary Senator of the Technical University. "

In the framework of the partnership with the Technical University of Moldova, Orange supports the International Conference on Computer Sciences and Microelectronics since four years. Also, Orange has opened a class of computers and a mobile technology laboratory at the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics and offered scholarships, internship places to students, as well as supported other interesting and innovative projects. This partnership is a strategic one and comes to reconfirm the status of the orange as a socially responsible company.


Orange Moldova
Orange Moldova

Orange Moldova is part of Orange Group, one of the world leaders in telecommunications services, with its headquarter in Paris, France. In Moldova, the company started its activity in October 1998, with the trademark Voxtel, and, as a result of re-branding, on April 2, 2007, it became Orange Moldova. Currently, the company is the no.1 operator on the telecommunication market in Moldova, it counts over 2.6 million customers. Orange owns the largest 3G+ and 4G+ networks, at the highest speeds up to 300 Mbps. Orange Moldova network was internationally certified by a German company as "Best in test" in Moldova. The services of the company can be accessed within the entire territory of the country, via its network of over 3600 sales points. Also, its customers can benefit from support of the no.1 operator in innovations by launching two international premiers: HD Voice and HD Voice International. In 2014, Orange Moldova was again certified with 4 ISO standards. Thus, Orange Moldova became the first and the only company in the field of telecommunications in our country which has 4 international ISO certificates for the management of quality, environment, informational security. In 2016, for the third consecutive time, Orange Moldova received certificates for Top Employer in Moldova and in Europe. Orange Group also received the worldwide certification "Top Employer Global 2016" for the very first time. These certificates are only offered to companies which apply high quality standards in offering excellent work conditions to its employees. Orange Moldova is a socially responsible operator, a statue reconfirmed also by the activity of the Foundation with the same name in our country. From its launching, OMF has implemented over 50 social projects in different fields, with around 200 thousand people benefiting from them.

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