Danube Logistics: Cargo Transhipment via Giurgiulesti International Free Port increased substantially

  • 27.10.2010

Cargo Transhipments via Giurgiulesti International Free Port increased substantially in the first 9 Months of 2010

During the first 9 months of 2010 Giurgiulesti International Free Port transhipped 246,285 metric tons of cargo, about 10-times more than during the same period in 2009. 61.3% of the transhipped cargo was grain, 23.8% gravel and 14.6% oil products. Thomas Moser the chairman of ICS Danube Logistics SRL – the general investor and operator of Giurgiulesti International Free Port – stated that the total annual transhipment volume is expected to exceed 300,000 metric tons in 2010 compared to 79,000 metric tons in 2009.

In regard to the ongoing construction of the General Cargo and Container Terminal at Giurgiulesti International Free Port, Thomas Moser mentioned: “We managed to make up some of the time we lost due to the floods earlier this year and expect to complete all major works by the end of the year and to start the operation of the terminal in March/April 2011. Apart from the quay wall for the new terminal we started in September the construction of a ro-ro ramp, which will enable trucks and other vehicles to drive directly onto / from vessels at the new terminal.

Giurgiulesti International Free Port is operated by ICS Danube Logistics SRL, a company owned by the Dutch company EASEUR Holding BV (80%) and by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (20%).

Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port
Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port

Giurgiulesti International Free Ports (GIFP) entire 120 ha territory has a status of a free economic zone and consists of an oil product terminal, a grain terminal as well as a general cargo and container terminal including a RoRo ramp (start of operation by September 2011). Due to its location on the Lower Danube with available water depths of up to 7 meters, GIFP is capable of receiving both inland and sea-going vessels. Against this background the GIFP serves its clients as: - the only direct sea/river-borne transshipment and distribution point to and from the Republic of Moldova, - a regional logistics hub on the border of the EU with access to road, European and Russian railway, river, sea, and - an excellent business location, because of its strategic location, tri-modal transport infrastructure, low cost environment and a unique customs and tax regime.

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