CNFA:The Farmer-to-Farmer Program facilitates access to table grapes production consultancy

  • 11.06.2010

Between May 27 and June 9, an American expert has visited Moldova in order to provide volunteer consultancy on advanced table grapes production technologies and modern vineyard management practices. Thus, Mr. Paul Read, doctor of horticultural sciences, professor of viticulture from Linkoln University from the state of Nebraska, U.S., has visited Moldova within the Farmer-to-Farmer Program, implemented in our country by the USAID-funded organization CNFA.

After his visit, Paul Read intends to suggest U.S. specialists to alter the „Moldova” table grape variety in order to obtain seedless grapes. „I was surprised to find out we haven’t yet imported this variety to the United States, given it allows to obtain bigger grapes with a thicker skin which can be stored for a longer period of time than other varieties”, the expert states. „Another advantage of the „Moldova” variety is its resistance to low temperatures”, also mentions the doctor of horticulture.

Paul Read believes exporting table grapes of „Moldova” variety might face certain difficulties; given the American consumers prefer seedless grapes. According to his opinion, there are ways to eliminate this problem, one of the solutions being to sell this longer lasting variety in the U.S. in the periods of time when there is an insufficiency of grapes on the market.

The expert has visited Moldova in order to provide consultancy to the table grape producer „Podgoreni” LLC from Lingura, Cantemir district. During his visit, the volunteer has consulted and trained both the company employees and its management on matters of soil evaluation, soil fertilization, and optimum distance between cuttings for highly productive table grape varieties.

Although he considers the table grape production methods currently used by Moldovan growers as advanced enough, the expert recommends optimizing particular technological processes, namely the establishment of a more efficient trellis system, which will allow a better vine dispersion in order to intercept light. „The light must not fall on the ground, it must produce grapes”, Paul Read mentions. – „This is the main purpose of the industry”.

Another recommendation was to implement the cover crops method between the rows in order to facilitate tractor and equipment access after the rain, prevent erosion and slow down the vine lignification process, especially in the highly fertile soils of Moldova. Addressing the issue of penetrating various markets with international food safety-certified products, the expert believes the existing barriers can be overcome by implementing advanced marketing techniques.

„The consultant has told us a lot of new things regarding optimum timing and best ways to implement different technological processes”, Stanislav Balan, director of „Podgoreni” LLC, states. „The new knowledge will also allow us to harvest bigger grape clusters of a higher quality”, Stanislav Balan also mentions.

This year, „Podgoreni” LLC estimates to harvest 500 tons of grapes from a surface of 36 hectares planted with table grape varieties. The company intends to sell 70% of its products on the external market, and 30% - on the domestic one. „Podgoreni” LLC is currently growing different table grape varieties, such as Caraburnu, Cardinal, Codreanca, Italia, Moldova and Thompson Seedless.

Since the beginning of this year, with the support of the Farmer-to-Farmer Program, 13 American experts, from a total number of 25, have visited Moldova. In the year 2010 they are expected to provide highly qualified consultancy on matters of production, processing, financial management, business management, cooperative and agribusiness development, etc.# # #

The “Farmer to Farmer” Program is implemented in our country since the year 1999 and has been prolonged in the years 2003 and 2008. In the last 10 years, 20.000 local beneficiaries were provided with assistance in order to increase the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of Moldova, create more employment opportunities, and raise the population income. In the Republic of Moldova, CNFA is currently implementing the five-year “Farmer-to-Farmer” Program, worth $2.5 million, and has recently concluded the $12 million-worth Agribusiness Development Program.

For details please contact Nadejda MOCANU, “Farmer to Farmer” Program Coordinator (tel.:240311, 069260005),,

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