AmCham Attended the Meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment

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 On February 3, AmCham participated in a meeting conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment regarding the legal framework on wastewater evacuation and treatment.

During the meeting were discussed new proposals on the draft Government Decision that will regulate the requirements for collection, treatment, and evacuation of wastewater into the sewage system, as well as the methodology for calculating fees on sewage services rendered by Apa-Canal Chisinau for treating wastewater that exceeds the maximum allowable concentrations.

The participants discussed inter alia the need to extend the term of entry into force of the Government Decision, to clarify the uncertain aspects regarding the laboratories that can perform laboratory tests of the samples of wastewater, and to increase the maximum allowable concentrations of the polluting substances in the wastewater, which, in the current regulation, cannot be respected by most economic agents.

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