
MOLD-STREET: Restricțiile impuse de România blochează importul medicamentelor în Republica Moldova

După aproape o lună de blocaj, în Republica Moldova au intrat primele loturi de medicamente esențiale, importate din România. Nu este însă clar dacă România a ridicat complet restricțiile la exportul de medicamente, inclusiv în Republica Moldova. To access the articl...


LOGOS PRESS: Tax Policy Remains on the Agenda

The Ministry of Finance experts prepared a draft change in tax policy for 2021 and in early March in front of his business association. It is expected that the document will be sent to the government for approval in the coming days. It included the proposals of the department, as well as part of th...


LOGOS-PRESS: The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham) appealed to the Ministry of Finance with a proposal to postpone the deadline for the Annual Audit of enterprises for 2019

The proposal was supported by business entities that are required to conduct an annual audit at the enterprise, as well as audit companies. Read more ...


BIZLAW: AmCham Moldova proposes to the authorities to reduce customs duties on the export of goods in the amount of up to 1,000 euros

Business community followed the announcement by the authorities to come up with proposals to amend the fiscal and customs legislation for 2021. The American Chamber of Commerce of Moldova has recently published a document with several proposals in this regard. Read more ...


Logos-Press: New Customs Rules

On January 24, in the interview with "Logos-Press" Adrian Gheorghita discussed amendments to the Regulation on customs valuation of goods and its impact on cross-border commercial activity. Read more ...


MOLD-STREET: Controverse privind majorarea cu 50% a taxei pentru protejarea mediului

Majorarea de la 1 ianuarie 2020, cu circa 50% a taxelor aplicate mărfurilor ce poluează mediul, contravine prevederilor Acordului de Asociere Republica Moldova – UE, susține Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova (AmCham Moldova). Alte organizații însă susțin acțiunile Guvernului.  ...


O nouă scumpire a cărnii

Agenția Națională pentru Siguranța Alimentelor (ANSA) se arată îngrijorată de creșterea neîntemeiată a prețurilor la carne în ajunul sărbătorilor. To access the article, click here. ...